Friday, 15 September 2023

വേനലിൽ ഒരു മഴ

Love. It has many gradients and variants. No love is as sweet as anticipated love. No love is as intense as unrequited love. No love is as painful as lost love. And love is at its dearest when you hold on to it even as you know it’s slipping away.

In this poem, venalil oru mazha (A Rain in Summer) – yes, a clichéd title, and we have read umpteen pieces of writing of all genres under that title – we surprisingly see a poet who does not welcome a midsummer rain, but who, rather, is in a hurry to shut himself in and away from it. Not for him the world’s much-awaited joy of getting wet and soaked in the rain. Not for him the music of rainfall and the drumbeats of thunder. Not for him the heady sweetness of petrichor. And not for him the after-shower puddles and paper boats.

Here, the poet urges his lover to close the glass doors and windows tight as the day sinks, its wings burnt in the heat of the weather.  In a lightning flash, the sapphirine clouds, he says, break into tears. Perhaps they recall a wintry, full-moon night from the past. The silken quilts, which the lovers had cherished, are now thoroughly wet and sodden. The barrens they ever so secretly buried in their hearts are flooded in the heavy downpour. Their crystal vases have upturned in the wind and shattered. The nectar of fond memories spills and spreads all over the ground. He implores his lover, yet again, to seal and fasten the windows and doors of their glass manor.

Wind-swept and rain-drenched in the imageries of the poem, the reader realises that the poet is trying to hold on to his love, or what’s left of it, lest it gets washed away in the thunderstorms of his own despair and the deluge of his own tears.

K. A. Sudarsana Kumar’s rendition plainly conveys, as it should, the desperation and anguish in the poem.

SW · Venalil Oru Mazha | K. T. Krishna Variar | K. A. Sudarsana Kumar | PC: FelixMittermeier/ Pixabay

വേനലിൽ ഒരു മഴ

കൊട്ടിയടയ്ക്കു ജനലുകളോമനേ! 


ഉഗ്രനിദാഘതാപത്തിൽ പകൽപ്പക്ഷി 

പത്രങ്ങൾ കത്തിക്കരിഞ്ഞു പതിക്കവേ,

ഏതോ ശരൽക്കാലചന്ദ്രിക പൂത്തൊരു 


ഇന്ദ്രനീലങ്ങളാം മേഘങ്ങളിന്നിടി-


ഒക്കെ നനഞ്ഞു കുതിർന്നുപോയിങ്ങു നാം 

ഭദ്രമായ് സൂക്ഷിച്ച പൂംപട്ടുമെത്തകൾ.

ഈ വർഷപാതത്തിൽ മുങ്ങി രഹസ്യമായ് 

മാറിലൊളിപ്പിച്ചൊരീ മണൽക്കാടുകൾ.

കാറ്റിൻ കരങ്ങളിലൂയലാടിത്തകർ-

ന്നാച്ചില്ലുപാത്രങ്ങൾ പൊട്ടിപ്പിളർന്നുപോയ്.

ആദ്യസ്‌മൃതികളാൽ മാധുരിവായ്‌ച്ചൊരു 

മാധ്വീരസം ചോർന്നു മണ്ണിലൊലിച്ചുപോയ്.

കൊട്ടിയടയ്ക്കൂ ജനൽ കവാടങ്ങളും 


© 1990 KTK

[Photo Courtesy: Pixabay – FelixMittermeier]

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