Monday, 11 July 2022


The joy of the entire spring reflects in the smile of a tiny wallflower. The first little raindrop brings with it the freshness of the monsoon. A wisp of a cloud blushing all of the reddish hues of the dawn heralds the beauty of the rising sun. So it’s not surprising that the poet, during his philosophical reflections, seeks the ultimate truth – of the entire universe and his own being – in a worm – in a wee little worm that hides in a silken cocoon that it has woven around itself.

In this poem, “Pattunoolpuzhu” (Silkworm), the poet identifies with the silkworm. Dwelling in contemplation, like the silkworm in its cocoon, the poet weaves his songs, like silken yarns in vivid hues.  Eventually, when the spirit within would cease fluttering, the poet muses, “I” would become one with “my” cocoon, the soul would then turn into a star on the farthest corner of the horizon, or a white orchid flower on the highest peak of the Sahyadri, or the fragrant breath of an intoxicating night queen. “I” would view the charming twilights, the days and the nights, the seasons, and the passing eras. “I” would watch the gardens in bloom and the flush of asoka*. And “I” would revel in the beauty of them all draped in “my” silken yarns.

Listen to Sreedevi Unni render the poem in her silky timbre.

*asoka flowers, asoka also means ‘without sorrow’.

SW · Pattunoolpuzhu | K. T. Krishna Variar | Sreedevi Unni


പട്ടുനൂൽപ്പുഴു ഞാനെ-

     ന്നന്തരാത്മാവിൽ തീർത്ത 

പാട്ടിൻ്റെ നൂലാലൊരു 

     വലയം നിർമ്മിക്കുന്നു.

ഞാനതിൽ സമാധിസ്ഥൻ 

     ഗാനങ്ങൾ നെയ്യുന്നേരം 

ഹാരിയാം പുതുയുഗ-

     സന്ധ്യകൾ വിടരുന്നു.


     നാളെത്തെ പ്രഭാതത്തിൻ 



ഈ മഹാചൈതന്യത്തിൻ 

     സ്പന്ദനം നിലച്ചിങ്ങു 

ഞാനെൻ്റെ വല്മീകത്തിൽ 






ഇപ്പട്ടാടകൾ ചാർത്തി 

     യെത്തുമ്പോൾ പുളകിതം 



ചക്രവാളത്തിൻ കോണി-

     ലൊരു താരകയായ് ഞാൻ 




     തൻ മൃദുനിശ്വാസമായ് 

ആ മനോഹരരംഗം 

     കണ്ടു നിർവൃതികൊള്ളും!

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