Monday, 11 October 2021



Today I am veering a little from the usual poetry and poetic ruminations of the poet. Characteristic of the poet is the underlining spirituality in all his writings. Of his several religious works, the translation of Soundaryalahari to Malayalam has garnered much appreciation and readership. Perhaps this is the right time to share this work here as we celebrate Navaratri, the festival that worships the Goddess, the divine Mother, the all-pervading Shakti, in all her manifestations.

Kottakkal Madhu, the much acclaimed sopana singer who is known for his soul-stirring renditions of Kathakali music, has composed and rendered the first part of Soundaryalahari, which includes 41 verses and is known as Anandalahari. While Anandalahari is a wave of spiritual bliss, the latter section of Soundaryalahari is an exaltation of the divine beauty of the Goddess.

I have given a link to the rendition here. I hope the poet’s readers will enjoy it.


ദ്യോവിൽ പറക്കുന്ന ചിറകുകളും... (ഭാഗം രണ്ട്)

Embed from Getty Images   (Part 2 – Wings that soar the sky…) [Contd from Part 1 ] Dr. Leelavathy continues to delve deep into the soul of ...