Sunday, 21 November 2021


The river flows between the shores. It often overflows. And, always, spins and sprays. At times, it crashes on the banks. At times, it rages on its way, tirelessly, to merge with the near yet faraway sea. It crosses all terrains, sometimes turning its waters turbid, sometimes limpid. Shrinking in summer, speeding in the rains, freezing in winter, the river flows on between the shores, bursting into a merry song off and on.

The poet’s relationship with the river is deep. He was brought up in a village where his courtyard was surrounded on three sides by a river. The river was his constant companion as he walked along its side and ferried across it to school. Indeed, he has a soul connection with the river. He and the river have remained soul mates through floods and shallows. And the journey of the river is no different from the journey of his life.

 Here's a rendition of the poem that gushes, rushes, and ripples like a river, by Smitha Keeran Warrier.



     വഴിയുമാറിതാ കുതിച്ചൊഴുകുന്നു.

നുരപ്പൂക്കൾ ചിന്നിച്ചുഴിമലരികൾ 

     ചുഴറ്റിയുമൊട്ടു മണൽപ്പുറം കാട്ടി 


     കരകളിൽ തട്ടിത്തിമിർത്തു പായുന്നു.

അകലത്തായെന്നാലടുത്തുമായ് കാണാ-

     ക്കടലിൻ പൂർണത; യതിൽ വിലയിക്കാൻ 

മലകൾ താണ്ടിയും വയൽകൾ പിന്നിട്ടും 


നിദാഘത്തിലേറെ മെലിഞ്ഞു വർഷത്തിൽ 

     മദിച്ചു, ശൈത്യത്തിൽ  മരവിച്ചങ്ങനെ 


     മിടയിലായ്; പാടിപ്പുളച്ചൊഴുകുന്നു!

ഇതാണെൻ്റെ പുഴ; ഇതെൻ്റെ ജീവിതം.

© 1990 KTK


  1. As I listened and did not read the poem, I felt as if I was on one side of the river, listening to the mur mur of the sound of the river. Well written, well sung. Thank you for sharing.


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